Episode 73 Cover Image: Wanda Atkins, Ian Antonio Patterson - English Coach Podcast - Living the Language

73 French Panorama and English Training – for Féte de la Musique Berlin

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Podcasters’ Cross-promotion

Cross-promotional episodes invite fellow independent podcasters, trainers and / or content creators to better serve our audiences (those of the guests and the hosts) by sharing our stages – and offering more comprehensive – collective insights, informed by many years’ experience and diverse sources. The cross-promotion is an attempt by independent podcasters, trainers, creators to help each other. See other episodes in the cross-promotional series here.

Guest for today’s episode Wanda Atkins

Independent Podcaster, English Trainer and Musician – situated in France.

Professional links:Podcast |  Instagram  | LinkedIn |  Featured Event, French Panorama  |

Featured backing interludes: Live Performances for – The French Panorama

  • Pan of the 21st century, by Lord Kitchener, Arranged by Olivier Wiren, Band Chroma Steel.
  • Pass the Dutchie, Song by Musical Youth, Arranged by Sandrine Bernard Abraham, Band Panasuc Steelband.
  • Happy Place, Song by Lyrikal, Arranged by Clement Bazin, Band Clembazband – Calypsociation.

Official page

www.EnglishCoachPodcast.com – This is where I attempt to add a splash of colour and life to your learning experience – by inviting you to live the language. The show is self-sponsored and independent and offers you immersion into the language – in a fun and interesting way.

YouTube Listing

Féte de la musique in Berlin – Publish of Episode 73

I neither speak French, nor am I a musician – but for this publication of episode 73 – today – the 21st of June 2022 – I am taking the liberty to make this yet small incidental contribution to Féte de la musique in Berlin. This episode will be interesting for language trainers with a flair for the eccentric, for language learners who are looking to enrich their language learning experience in memorable ways, and anyone open to – and interested in deriving even more from musical expression in a meaningful way. This episode 73 is another in the cross-promotional series – and features our guest for today – a multi-faceted delightful personality of Caribbean descent, Language trainer extraordinaire and musical talent – joining us from France Ms Wanda Atkins.

Special References

Josephine BackerPopular ImageHighest Honour

Black Music in Europe – BBC Documentary Series (promised to link – but BBC has newly restricted access) Ironically the name of the series is “Black Music in Europe: A Hidden History” – and now 21.06.2022 it is being hidden again.

French Panorama

English Coach Podcast – Living the Language – iAntonio

Thanks for listening, looking forward to hearing from you and bye for now. 

Ian Antonio Patterson – ShowHost

Sustainable Language Acquisition = Nachhaltiger Spracherwerb.

English Training Englisch Coaching

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