Episode 20 SURVIVING it – Remote Work , Friends & Family, Tools & Tips that help now.
Shownotes: English Coach Podcast – Living the Language
We are all going through a rather difficult time right now. And on this day April second 2020 – I have decided to focus on a positive message – SURVIVING it. This episode 20 is being published today from Berlin, and we are also affected. We all should of course take heed to the advice of the relevant authorities thinking not only of ourselves – but also of the larger society.
Needless to say there is prevailing sense of loss, fear and uncertainty. However I have chosen today to take a positive outlook. To focus on the things we do know and the things we do have – now – on some of the things that will help us to get to where we want to be. What if this affliction were one those that also affected the internet – so vital a communication tool right now?
In charting a way forward, I’d invite all of us to also look at the positive more uplifting aspects, as they do exist today. The ones that do as we speak help us to share the burden and learn from each other. It’s neither within the my scope, authority nor experience to speak to all of these things, only a few – and I want to first thank Sasha for helping me to use the tools that I have today to do just that.
featured Guest: Sasha Bondar
Sasha Bondar is a software developer with over 15 years of experience. During his career Sasha has held different roles in the area of software development – as consultant – and in education and business. First of all, Sasha is a software developer – he codes a lot and loves it – so much so that he’s currently building an online learning platform on Telegram to teach the Go programming language – interesting fact, he will himself, learn Go along with students 😉
Sasha has also delivered many company courses – where he’s taught and inspired more than a hundred students to code in Ruby.
In the capacity of interim CTO Sasha has helped many customers to build scalable software products, establish remote teams and work processes. He sees himself as a Developers’ advocate. He currently works for a company which he co-founded called REINTECH – bridging the gap between developers and other companies. It’s a hiring platform where firms companies or projects abroad – can access and hire highly skilled software developers from Eastern Europe. At REINTECH – he is chiefly responsible for building a developers community, and helping developers to find their first job on the platform. He also offers consultancy to customers, on how to build a verifiably productive remote team of developers.
At this moment – Sasha, like most software engineers in the world, works from his home in Lviv – doing coding and other work routines he combines with playing with his daughter Zoe.
All things considered, this episode today takes a more positive outlook. It presents and exemplifies working – and currently relevant language in use. The content today should be interesting to software developers and the like. Relevant to anyone remotely interested in exploring the possibilities that remote work provides. And last of all it should be helpful to anyone looking to improve their English skills through real conversation on true-to-life themes – that are of interest to them.
Key-phrase overview
- Success story – example of a diversely mixed project team – cognitive and geographical diversity,
- Quality control, preparation, workflows, speed, communication modes, meetings, on-boarding,
- Time management, routine, working environment, human interaction,
- Video stress – too much conferencing,
- Do all forms of virtual communication have to feel like presentations?
- How does more spontaneous informal communication take place?
- Body language – reactivity – more hand gestures emojis, more than just a head in the frame,
- Level of engagement and energy, knowledge of what is going on, on a social level, regular check-ins, informal communication,
- Communication tools vs. task tracking tools,
- Thinking about what mode of communication works best for what kind of content (email / video / chat / telephoning / and in person) – what works best each time for what things. Balancing out communication modes.
With a small win is always a good way to begin…
Feel free to check out the shownotes for this episode at www.trainingtree.de/podcast.
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Thanks for listening, looking forward to hearing from you – and
bye for now =)
Show Host: Ian Antonio Patterson: All episodes | your feedback |

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