English Coach Podcast - Living the Language - Episode 24

Democratisation of the Learning Experience #24

Episode 24 – we all need a little community right now – and I’m happy to be making 3 interesting announcements for you today – I’ll make it quick.

Shownotes: English Coach Podcast – Living the Language

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We’ve all been affected, and the release of Season 2 has unfortunately been delayed. I do apologise for that. I have still however been diligently doing my part, and the entire series on SURVIVING it – consisting five Episodes to be exact – was dedicated to this – strange time in between seasons – that we’ve all been experiencing.

We all need a little community right now – and I’m happy to be making 3 interesting announcements for you today – I’ll make it quick.  

This extra somewhat spontaneous Trailer Episode 24 – self-sponsored and brought to you by none other than yours truly – is also in keeping with this community spirit. As you might know by now – This is not only where I give myself permission, to take a little more relaxed, accessible, human approach – but also where I take the chance to experiment. It’s a short one, I promise, and I have an interesting surprise for you at the end of this Episode. One thing is clear, the aim of this Episode like all the rest – is to enrich your whole learning experience. This is not a traditional lesson today – but why not make the best of it? Since we know that English is not a phonetic language – for those of us also looking to improve our vocabulary and pronunciation – there’s a full transcript of this Episode available in the ShowNotes – you can read along while you listen.

This podcast initiative is also therapeutic for me, because it exemplifies now more than ever – what I’ve always called this “fresh and exciting democratisation of the learning experience” a song sung since Episode 1 in December of 2019. Now you can call it a mission, motivation a purpose for a little promise for my people, present and past course participants and of course for all the others of you who subscribe – for whatever value you derive.

You get to choose even more now, from a larger number of sources, – including this one of course – all in service of your own learning experience. You still get a chance to experience immersion into the language in an interesting true to life way – and to keep the things you’ve learned.

I always tell myself that I am doing this for my people because it’s true – you know who you are. And I want to send another special shout-out to all my listeners again on Spotify. I know that there are some of you also on Apple and Google but truth be told, the Spotify listeners have to date been the most loyal and engaged.

If you’re on Apple Podcasts or on Google Podcasts – feel free to subscribe from there, no problem – share the show with a friend – or better yet share it with all of them =)

It feels so much easier to be authentic when what you are doing is independent and free and the only advertising that you’ll get here – is advertising from me. Anyway – I want to use this Episode 24 as I said to make a few announcements.

Firstly – There is now a new category on my website for the top seven shows. These are the Shows that have to date, enjoyed the most downloads. Interestingly, the Episodes featuring what I call the free mini-lessons are getting more and more popular. That tells me that the format works. The ratings are updated with the publishing of every new Episode. You can always check out the latest show ratings at www.EnglishCoachPodcast.com.

Secondly – officially – this is also the last trailer Episode – The NEXT Episode you hear will indeed be the long awaited Launch of Season 2. Truth be told – there won’t be many changes in Season 2, as all of the feedback that I have received so far – some of which featured in Episode 17 – has been positive. The top three shows to date are Episode 16 on Prepositions, Episode 14 on Machine Assistance and Gender and Episode 3 on Business Presentations – Transitions for Fluency.

The Third and last Announcement for the day is about the experiments – It is with great pleasure that I do declare – that the cherished insights of our very own – learned,  long-time friend and associate the indomitable Sybille von Spitzen – will be featuring more prominently in the show. We have a new outfit for Season 2. As usual I speak for her and her performance speaks for itself. Her contributions were instrumental – in ensuring the obvious success of all the top three Episodes so far.

This is actually me working with your feedback…..

And I am also happy to announce that our beloved – Protagonist who featured in Episodes 3, 18 and again – in the upcoming Episode 25 – will also be joining us more often – that means that there will in Season 2, be a stronger focus on both mini-lesson AND the storytelling element. The colourful contributions of these “personalities” to the show have all been experimental – and all for you – and I am very happy – that they’ve all so to speak – committed to joining us on this long enough awaited learning journey – English Coach Podcast – Season 2

With a small win, is always a good Way to begin.

Feel free to check out the shownotes for this episode at www.trainingtree.de/podcast or www.englishcoachpodcast.com. Like it if you like it and if you don’t, lie to me – just kidding – but still – feel free to share it with a friend, post a rating, or better yet – give meaning to the things you think about the show, by using the feedback form to tell me personally what you think – this will all help it to help you – as it is intended to do. Subscribe only if you feel like – so you know when there’s a new episode available.

Thanks for listening, looking forward to hearing from you, and – bye for now

Show Host: Ian Antonio Patterson: All episodes | your feedback |

Englisch, English Coach Podcast, iAntonio

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