English Coach Podcast - Living the Language - Episode 83

English Fluency, Ai, Art and the Democratisation of the Learning Experience: #83

Episode 83

Fluency, Ai, Art and the Democratisation of the Learning Experience

Today’s episode looks at some of the things that make the essential difference, as we approach achieving a well-grounded feeling of confidence, sovereignty, and fluency using a foreign language. The episode today, in and of itself will show you, one way that uniquely defines the authentic lived human experience, as opposed to the artificial one. From the point of view of a well-practiced Educator – we will be looking at some of the things that may in fact help to differentiate us as human beings, working living and thriving – also within an Ai driven paradigm – but no worries Ai is not what the episode is about it’s about you.

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Feelings feature prominently – again – not to be discounted because feelings form one aspect that will in fact help to differentiate us as human beings within what I call an Ai driven paradigm. I do hope you enjoy the episode, and if you like the somewhat more colourful, and even more inclusive flavour of “Life is Feeling – Counting the Ways” – do feel free to subscribe from anywhere.

As an added bonus for your troubles, there is a little JAMAICAN interpretation of this unusual twist just for you – right after the jingle.

English Coach Podcast – Living the Language – iAntonio

Thanks for listening, looking forward to hearing from you and bye for now. 

Ian Antonio Patterson – ShowHost, Trainer Coach

Sustainable Language Acquisition = Nachhaltiger Spracherwerb.

www.iAntonio.media - Podcasts www.lifeisfeeling.com www.EnglishCoachPodcast.com






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