English Coach Podcast - www.TrainingTree.de - #66 People Values - Russian and Ukrainian

People Values – Ukrainian and Russian #66

Conversations with three Guests

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ShowNotes – Video Exclusive

Show Introduction

I have always prided myself on the authenticity and inclusiveness of this independent podcast. The past few weeks have been marked by feelings of disquiet – and doubt – as related to the appropriateness of publishing a show like this at this particular time – in the midst of this the second major crisis to face the world – in as many years.

And then I thought to myself – what better time is there to re-present the unscripted voices of real people – who have themselves in the past – contributed to this show. Individuals moved by such sensibilities at this particular time – the likes of which I can only imagine. This episode hopes to help to transcend in some small way the noise and tragedy that affects all of us today – by featuring the people I know.

I’ve always contended that power takes care of itself first – and stages it’s stories accordingly. This short episode attempts to place a positive spin, a glimmer of hope – perhaps – a welcomed distraction from all the sadness – and serves as a reminder of the living breathing human beings involved here – and the OTHER things that inspire them.

The guests for today’s episode are Lena, Sasha and Olga.

Lena is a Russian lady – speaking on notion of “meeting in the body” – and how it relates to dance and the martial arts – Original Episode and Credentials.
Sacha is a Ukrainian man – sharing success stories in the field of remote work in international software development teams. If it wasn’t for Sasha, I would perhaps still be stuck in the conceptualizing / planning stage of this podcast, and here I am today publishing episode 66. Thank you, Sasha Original Episode and Credentials.

Olga is a Russian woman – my very first guest on the show – and she shares with us on the power of improvisation, and the freedom to be found in art – Original Episode and Credentials.

Special mentions also go out to Natalia – a Russian woman currently embarking on an acting career and the first announcer for the show. And last but by no mean’s least, special thanks to the Ukrainian woman who bought me my first mic.

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The English Coach Podcast – never intentionally takes a prescriptive, patronizing, or condescending stance to the adult learning experience, but is rather driven by inclusiveness – of people, approaches, personal experiences thoughts and ideas. This show episode is neither a formal lesson nor a substitute for such but aims to supplement the adult learning experience in a true-to-life way. The show is independent and self-sponsored – brought to you by me – a practicing language Trainer / Coach – and draws on a whole gamut of tools and tips in support of providing information, entertainment and what I like to call sustainable language acquisition in an authentic, relatable, and vastly collaborative – human way.

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English Coach Podcast – Living the Language – iAntonio

Thanks for listening, looking forward to hearing from you and bye for now. 

Ian Antonio Patterson – ShowHost

Sustainable Language Acquisition = Nachhaltiger Spracherwerb.

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