English Coach Podcast - Living the Language - Episode 88 and 90

Values and Attitudes In Education: Training Episodes

Episodes 88 and 90

Episode 88 was recorded in class and serves as a first training model to help the course participants to get a grasp of the basics, of what is involved in podcast production.

Episode 90 (CENSORED) is a direct follow-up to the previously published episode 88 – and is a compilation of three conversations and one monolog on early -childhood education.  Topics include:

  • The Transition Phase,
  • The TikTok Hype
  • Media Consumption Generally
  • Dental Health in Children

Episode 88 – Values and Attitudes in Education

Episode 90 – Talk to Me (censored)

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The overall project associated with this course focusses on values and attitudes – and promises to explore many media forms such as audio-podcasting, photography, videography, text and even print production and webpage-building to name a few.

The project aims to emphasise, through hands-on involvement and co-creation so to speak – how these media forms can be used to enrich our message – as it relates to early-childhood education, and education as a whole.

“Medienpädagogik” is a term that featured prominently during the course – and is itself a diverse topic. The aim of these projects however was to encourage hands-on involvement in the co-creation process. To gather first-hand experience in coordination, team-work and challenges involved, in the final production of a media product that effectively enriches and transports our message  – as it relates to early-childhood education.

Those values and attitudes mentioned are as diverse as the contributors themselves – an attribute that that only serves to foster inclusiveness, relatability humanness of our discourse. Without further ado I’d like to express my gratitude to all the contributors – and cordially invite you to let yourself be inspired by the episodes.

Our esteemed first guest (episode 88) for this series of productions – is Ms Lilli Limonius, who qualifies her insight with a rich tapestry of stories and experiences that have helped to shape her career – and still drive her calling and professional practice as a teacher.

We go on to speak about some of the specific values and attitudes that help both teachers and students to succeed.  And finish off our 45-50 minute show, with some questions from the course participants on:

  • The most important attitudes that strengthened her as a teacher,
  • Quality checks and performance,
  • Ai and its perceived threat to the teaching profession.

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English Coach Podcast – Living the Language – iAntonio

Thanks for listening, looking forward to hearing from you and bye for now. 

Ian Antonio Patterson – ShowHost, Trainer Coach

Sustainable Language Acquisition = Nachhaltiger Spracherwerb.

www.iAntonio.media - Podcasts www.lifeisfeeling.com www.EnglishCoachPodcast.com






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