Sustainable Living - A Positive Outlook

Sustainable Living: A Positive Outlook # 91

Episode 91

With somewhat new sensibilities owing of course in part to – a sense of gratitude she feels for her recently completed MBA at the ESCP Business school – Marcia helps me today to portray for you, a more positive outlook on matters relating to sustainability. The things that are in fact within our reach – the VALUES that we as people are actively adopting now.

Marcia Dantas de Lima

In this Episode we talk a little about the history of the sustainability movement, its incorporation into modern business models, newer concepts such as impact investing, as an ever more interesting emerging solution – that takes the environment, people, and communities into account. What does it really mean, to move capital, people, and knowledge to where the problems really are and what are the benefits being realized now? What are the opportunities that present themselves – today – as we approach the ultimate ideal of sustainable living?

Parts 2 (originally published 1.8.2023, in commemoration of world youth day celebrations)

Links mentioned in episode

Musical Contributions

Backing music BotanyBay

English Coach Podcast – Living the Language – iAntonio

Thanks for listening, looking forward to hearing from you and bye for now. 

Ian Antonio Patterson – ShowHost, Trainer Coach

Sustainable Language Acquisition = Nachhaltiger Spracherwerb. - Podcasts






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